Results 62

Alphabetical list

Alphabetical list

All cultivars are listed alphabetically here, irrespective of their parentage or type. Species of which we only have one clone will appear also.


Galanthus xallenii arose or was spotted in James Allens...


Galanthus Armine is a hybrid which arose in the premise...


Galanthus Augustus is a robust and vigorous selection o...

Baxendales Late

Baxendales Late is a reliably, very late selection of p...

Bill Bishop

Bill Bishop has quite enormous flowers held fairly clos...

Billy Bishops

Primrose Warburg was a great snowdrop enthusiast, growi...

Blewbury Tart

Found in Blewbury, Oxfordshire in 1975 by Alan Street....


Galanthus alpinus is a small convolute snowdrop from fo...

Boyds Double

An unusual spiky variant of nivalis; the flower consist...

Brenda Troyle

Brenda Troyle was one of the well known snowdrop names ...

Cicely Hall

Cicely Hall is named after its raiser who has distribut...


Colossus arose in the famous snowdrop garden at Colesbo...